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Reset user password

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This feature requires a Checkbuster account

Before you start

  • Make sure you are logged in at or
  • that you have downloaded the mobile Checkbuster app


Users in Checkbuster are in control of their own passwords. It is important that a user uses an existing e-mail address, because this is the only way a user can request a new password. If a user within your organization has lost his or her password, they can easily request a new one.

Request a new password

You can reset or request for a new password at or with our mobile app. We will describe both options below.

Reset you password through

If you go to and you can’t remember your password, just click on the ‘Forgot password‘ link. Type in your e-mail address and the verification code shown in your screen. Click on the [ Send new password ] button. You will receive an e-mail with a password reset link. If you click on that link, this will open a website where you can insert a new password.  Don’t wait too long to click on the link because the link is only valid for 24 hours.

You can now login with your new password. If you also use our mobile app you need to login here with this new password as well.

Request a new password from our mobile app

If you open our mobile app and you are not logged in anymore, you will see the login screen. To request a new password, tap on the ‘Forgot password’ link. Insert your e-mail address and tap on the [ Send reset link ] button. You will receive an e-mail with a password reset link. If you click on that link, this will open a website where you can insert your new password.  Don’t wait too long to click on the link because the link is only valid for 24 hours.

You can now login with your new password.

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