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Inspection item types
This feature is available for Professional and Starter accounts.
When creating your own checklist, or if you want to add an item to an existing checklist, you can choose between 3 options to score that item. You can create a multiple choice item, an open text field item or a measurement item.
When you create a multiple choice item, an inspector will be able to score that item with the following options:
sufficient / valid
insufficient / invalid
When you create an open text item, an inspector will be able to fill in a short text.
When you create a measurement item, an inspector will be able to fill in a number. As you can see the insert field looks the same as the insert field for open text, but because you created a measurement item, only numbers will be accepted in this field.
While creating a measurement item, you will be asked to select a value, an operator and a unit.
For the value, you have to fill in a number.
For the operator, you have to choose between:
= equals
> greater than
< less than
≧ greater than or equal to
≦ less than or equal to
For the unit, you have to choose between:
- Candela
- Celsius
- Centimeter
- Decibel
- Fahrenheit
- Feet
- Gram
- Inch
- Kelvin
- Kilogram
- Meter
- Micrometer
- Milliampere
- Minutes
- Mole
- Ohm
- Percentage
- Pieces
- Seconds
- Volt