Get the most out of Checkbuster

Discover why thousands of people use Checkbuster to inspect and audit every day.

Conduct NXT level inspections & audits in the blink of an eye

Maximize the quality of your inspections by minimizing the paperwork. Go digital with Checkbuster NXT.


Quickly created templates and inspections with our many inspection types


Quickly get an insight to all your data and information


Create incident templates in case of sudden repercussions in the work place.

Tasks and corrective actions

Easily create tasks and corrective actions to fix problems in the workplace as quickly as possible

Choose from many inspection items

Yes, maybe, no


Text input

Star rating

Smiley rating


Number input

Location marker

List item


And many more!

From exhausting paperwork, to all your inspections neatly organised

Inspections and reports with Checkbuster saves you up to 30% of your time and money. Don’t throw away your papers and pencils yet. Now you’ve got spare time to make nice drawings.




Users per domain Max. 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Inspections per month Max. 10 Unlimited Unlimited
Planned inspections ✓*
Add tasks
Assign tasks to teammembers
Use & create incident reports
Roles & permissions
Manage your locations Max. 3 locations Unlimited Unlimited
Templates & libraries
Public library
Manage Exclusive libraries

Private templates
Upload excel templates
Download templates from library Max. 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Download report in PDF
Download report in Word
Place your own logo in reports (Custom reports)
Storage 10MB Unlimited Unlimited
Business integrations
Fixed price per month  ✓
Standard support  ✓  ✓  ✓
Customized Support & Service  ✓

*Planned inspections in the ‘Free Plan’ are nonrecurring